is there a secret weapon to promoting your hair to grow faster. if you really want to arrest hair loss and stop going bald the simplest thing you can do is start with a scalp massage.
what has a scalp massage got to do with growing your hair faster?
Massaging your scalp is good for the scalp and good for the blood flow in the scalp.
it isn't simply that you should use a massge oil on your scalp. choosing the correct make of oil is as important asthe way the scalp is massaged.
The massage should start at the front of the head near the hairline
working your way around the side then doing the top.
for the massage to be effective there are other steps you ought to take.
For anyone suffering hair loss or attempting to prevent it you ought to avoid a hair dryer.
while you are massaging your scalp the idea is to promote and improve the circulation and keep your scalp in a good condition. with massge oils.
A hair dryer used close to your scalp will unwrap all this hard work.
these methods below will show amazing results and make your hair grow faster.
1/massage your scalp.twice each day with the correct oils.
2/ massage your scalp the correct way
3/ avoid a hair dryer where possible. Or keep it as far away from the scalp as as you can.
these three simple steps will have amazing results on your scalp and hair. Discover how to make your hair grow fast